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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221780-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1945,1940s
Country: China,France,USA
Location: Chongqing / Chungking,DC,Nazaire,St,Washington
TC Begins: 01:19:49
TC Ends: 01:27:11
Duration: 00:07:22
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII - 1945, Newsreel, USA: Ledo Road; Dewey Speech; French Evacuation; Army Dogs; Basketball. Intertitle: Life-Line To China Re-Opened. Troops loading crates into army trucks for drive to Chungking. Gen Lewis Pick & officers. Decorated canvas on trucks for first convoy over Ledo Road, leaving, on mountain road. Aerials over dusty road thru jungle, thru fog Gas refueling station w/ sign: Hot Stuff No Smoking. Two lines of trucks at pumps. Trucks pull artillery. 01:21:12 Intertitle. Chinese Flee Jap Terror. High angle / HA Chinese refugees; passing w/ carts, on litters & walking many in uniforms. MCUs. Camp w/ cooking fires & straw / reed tents. Eating w/ chop sticks; sleeping / resting. People filling road away from camera. 01:22:13 Intertitle: Dewey Wants Active Peace Role For U.S. LS applause for Governor Dewey speaking at Lincoln Day Dinner, Washington, DC. MS at lectern w/ microphones, SOF: “It is obvious that we cannot & must not risk another great war. It’s equally obvious that aside from adequate military forces & bases for our defense in the future our only hope of avoiding war lies in effective international cooperation for peace. Its perfectly obvious to the rest of the world, & it ought to be to us, that America has staggeringly outproduced every other nation on earth. Our 130 million people have produced many of the winning instruments of war for Great Britain, Russia, China as well as for ourselves. Its obvious to the rest of the world, & it ought to be to us, that this is because of the enormous initiative & inventive genius which springs from the very heart of our system. Ours is a system that rewards achievement in which men can create & build w/ the full knowledge that they & their family will benefit as well as Society as a whole. Ours has been a system whereby labor is free to work, to organize & to share in the unlimited productive capacity in the good things of life which are produced by everybody. The very heart of that system is the classic liberal concept that every man is his own master & that government exists to keep men free.” (applause) 01:23:55 Intertitle: St. Nazaire Civilians Evacuated. German generals walk to Allied officers along railroad track, MCU talking & CU. CU signed agreement. 01:24:13 Railroad engine w/ Red Cross on white banner on front leaving past. Nurses help injured; old men, women & children on train. CU train locomotive driver wheels turning. High angle / HA out of station. 01:24:42 Intertitle: Honorable Discharge. Soldiers w/ heavy coats & gloves training guard dogs w/ handlers. German Shepherd & other dogs in movie theater watching Hitler on screen, begin barking. Guard dogs on chains by shelter boxes; training for domestic life & into back of station wagon. Out & greeted by family. CU War Dogs K-9 Section Honorable Discharge. Baby kisses dog. 01:25:46 Intertitle: N.D. Cagers Beat NYU. Notre Dame in white. Basketball spectators; rough play; cheering & applause. Long winning shot. WW2; Mountainous Resupply Route; Southeast Asia; Speech; Post-War Peace; Humanitarian Truce; Military Animals; College Sports; NOTE: Entire or partial sold at per reel rate. Very good quality reel. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: