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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220869-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1945
Country: Japan
Location: Okinawa,Ryukus
TC Begins: 18:09:11
TC Ends: 18:17:54
Duration: 00:08:43
WWII - 1945, Okinawa: Okinawans Receive Food, Occupation of Islands 03Apr45? Food distribution to civilians, large wooden stave baskets of grain (?) to women in line by civilian native men. MCU women in line w/ money or scripts. CU Grain shoveled into boxes. Women leave w/ baskets of rations. 18:13:17 MS Oriental, Japanese (?), Ryukyu?, clerks at desk filling register & paperwork. 18:15:44 Good shot locals queuing for food beneath trees w/o foliage. US officers at table outdoors talking, smoking. Okinawans children on street behind. 18:16:46 GI gives instructions to small group of Okinawan peasants sitting in field, Okinawan interprets; they start working in field, digging potatoes (?). WW2 Occupation; Pacific; Ryukus; Ryukyus; Food; 1945;