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Go to HomepageReel Number: 300009
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1945,1940s
Country: Japan,USA
Location: Okinawa,Ryukyus Islands
TC Begins: 00:00:03
TC Ends: 00:09:18
Duration: 00:09:15
WWII - 1945, Pacific, Okinawa: Japanese Suicide Rocket Bomb Inspected 04Apr45 00:00:03 Slate: 3231st SIG DET. JAP ROCKET. cameraman CPL Murphy. 00:00:07 MS truck towing suicide rocket plane. US soldier w/ mask sitting in rocket bomb. CU soldier taking mask off. CU mask attached to gas bottle (Japanese markings). CU cockpit controls. CU fuel or explosive canisters in cockpit. 00:01:06 Slate: 01Apr45, ICEBERG TARGET. Slate 04Apr45, JAP ROCKET. 00:01:12 LS US soldiers & MP inspecting suicide rocket; soldiers dismantle rocket exhaust & inspect rocket. 00:02:10 CU dismantled rocket nose, US soldiers inspecting & dismantling. Soldier takes box out. CU box. CU rocket wing gun. MS soldier inspecting rudders. 00:03:17 Soldier sitting in rocket tries onboard radio, joystick, shuts cockpit. 00:03:54 Soldiers lower bomb to ground w/ crane. 00:04:22 Soldiers dismantle rocket nose to reveal bomb underneath. CU targeting crosshairs. CU joystick w/ trigger button. 00:05:05 MS soldiers inspect rocket. Soldier in cockpit tries radio. Another pulls fuel gauge. END. 00:05:16 CU US helmet “Branham” in chalk. Various shots of suicide rockets, soldiers inspections /dismantling, cockpit, exhaust. WWII - 1945, Pacific, Okinawa: L-Day Okinawa Invasion, Orange Beach No. 2 01Apr45 00:06:15 Slate: subject JAPAN, cameraman Kurt F. Enfield, 01Apr45. 00:06:24 LS marines on LVT landing craft seen from ship deck, warship in background. 00:06:55 Amphibious tanks at sea. 00:07:28 LS marine inspecting grass hut, pulling curtain. 00:08:01 LS marines & M-8 motor carriage / tank on road. Marine studies map. 00:08:29 Marines w/ captured Japanese civilians from caves; marine searches man w/ woman & children in background. 00:09:02 MS marines w/ civilians, women & children. Marines on radio. Family w/ belongings walk up to marines. WW2 Technology, 1940s;