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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1661-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1945
Country: Philippines,USA
Location: Manila
TC Begins: 17:18:29
TC Ends: 17:27:40
Duration: 00:09:11
WWII - 1945, Philippine Action Around Filipino University, Battle of Manila, 21Feb45 Pan heavy destruction to tank, smoke blowing across. Two soldiers w/ rifles run across; then three in opposite direction. 17:19:40 Slate: illegible. Machine gunners firing from top of tank. View from inside building at smoke & explosions outside. 17:20:42 Slate: illegible. Soldiers firing thru broken windows of upper story inside building. 17:21;10 Troops run out from inside building, across open area w/ rifles & flame-thrower, smoke grenade burning for cover. GOOD. 17:21:51 Overhead of tank; GIs running across & returning. LS of building, some flashes in windows . 17:22:50 Tank crossing seen from inside destroyed building; another moving fast w/ soldiers in turret. Tanks into place; explosion against building w/ smoke. Soldier seen running thru smoke. 17:23:46 Tanks move; soldiers among ruins. 17:24:17 Soldier w/ bayonet cutting ?? Soldier w/ machine gun silhouetted in window. View across yard toward building w/ rubble around. 17:24:48 Troops loading, firing artillery from inside shell of building. 17:25:05 Soldiers carrying stretcher (dark). 17:25:13 Soldiers hurry w/ wounded on stretcher followed by others across yard, into building. Pan of destruction in yard w/ two tanks sitting. 17:25:49 Soldiers in building at window gesturing, moving about. 17:26:28 GI w/ rifle on back runs across rubble in yard seen from behind; seen from above. 17:26:45 Tanks in yard; firing. artillery firing. WW2; Fighting; University; Philippines; NOTE: Battle of Manila 03Feb - 03Mar45. NOTE: Reel has good battle action, some overexposed.