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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220468-41
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1945,1940s
Country: Japan,Philippines,USA
Location: Manila
TC Begins: 01:44:04
TC Ends: 01:45:09
Duration: 00:01:05
WWII - 1945, Phlippines: Japanese Surrender Mission in Manila. 19-20Aug45 Title: Historic Films: Jap Surrender Mission In Manila. 01:44:10 Japanese delegation led by American officer & General Takashoro / Torashiro Kawabe & Rear Admiral Ichiro Yokoyama out of plane, salutes & greeted by Lt. Col. Mashbeir (sp?); meeting Maj. Gen. Willoughby. 01:44:31 Pan of Japanese delegation standing indoors. Hand papers / credentials, bow. 01:44:40 5 American officers headed by Lt. Gen. Sutherland arrive & stand by table; Japanese arrive & seated. 01:45:01 MCU pan Japanese at table. Post-WWII Military Occupation Meeting; Arrangements; 1945;