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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220475-42
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1945,1940s
Country: USA
Location: San Francisco, California,Washington, DC
TC Begins: 16:21:53
TC Ends: 16:23:06
Duration: 00:01:13
WWII - 1945, United Nations: San Francisco Conference Arrivals Intertitle: The San Francisco World Conference Gets Under Way - Washington. 16:22:03 Truman greets Philippine President Osmena w/ others posing outside White House. 16;22:09 Molotov & others getting off US airplane greeted by Andrei Gromyko & Secretary of State Stettinius. Preliminary conference in Washington w/ Anthony Eden, Stettinius & Molotov sitting, talking. 16.22.31 Intertitle: San Francisco. Arrival of delegates at airport on American Airlines aircraft & into terminal. LS of San Francisco Opera House (?) w/ traffic passing. South African Premier General Smuts at microphone in front of plane on arrival, SOF: “We’ve all learned our lesson & now at last we shall be able to make an effort which shall be successful in safeguarding the future peace of the world.” 16:23:03 End title - Join 7th War Loan Victory Drive. 1940s; 2nd World War; WW2;