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Go to HomepageReel Number: 300259
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940s,1945
Country: Belgium,Germany,USA
Location: Arnstedt,Breendonck Concentration Camp,Hanover Harlen
TC Begins: 01:00:12
TC Ends: 01:06:38
Duration: 00:06:26
Post-WWII - 1945, Germany: Liberation - Concentration Camps (Breendonck; Hanover Harlen; Arnstadt)) Intertitle: Breendonck. View from tower; LS of prison; interior w/ stack of coffins. Demonstration of tying prisoners to pole for beatings & CU of barbed wire stick used; ropes, chains & stick used. Thumbscrews. 01:01:57 MS & CU of victims scars from beatings & cigarette burns. Demonstration & scar of splitting man’s crotch as torture. Woman shows scars from a beating. 01:02:42 Intertitle: Hannover Concentration Camp. Inmates in striped clothes walking inside electric fence; given soup, food, cigarettes & clothing at Red Cross clubmobile as US troops watch. MS & CUs eating. Others, emaciated, laying in bunks. 01:04:14 Dead removed; buried in blankets. Sergeant checking list of inmates. 01:04:50 Photographs made for documentation. 01:04:58 Intertitle: Arnstadt Concentration Camp. LS of camp which held Polish & Russian prisoners housed in overcrowded large camouflaged tents, pan across many. Kennels used for watchdogs. 01:05:37 German civilians forced to exhume bodies digging in long, deep trench. CU partially unearthed bodies & bodies removed. Field of laid out bodies. Post-WW2 Nazi Aftermath; Post WWII War Crimes Trial Evidence; Atrocities; Historical Film; Survivors; Dead; Brutality; Killings; Victims; 1940s;