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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220476-72
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1945,1940s
Country: USA
Location: Washington, DC
TC Begins: 18:36:30
TC Ends: 18:37:41
Duration: 00:01:11
WWII - 1945, USA Homefront: IRS Personal Income Tax Filing Information Intertitle: The Facts About Your Income Tax. 18:36:35 MCU Internal Revenue Commissioner Joseph Nunan, Jr. sitting at desk, SOF: Everyone who’s income last year was $500 or more must file a return on or before the March 15th, but the return is much simpler. Those who earn less than $5,000 can use this receipt which they get from their employer as their income tax form. Don’t send any money. The collector will send you a bill if you owe more or mail you a refund if you over paid. Wage earners not eligible to use the withholding receipt, and other tax payers will use this form 1040 as in the past. But this form has also been simplified. Whether you use the withholding receipt or Form 1040 please mail your return early. Do not wait for the deadline March 15th; remember your taxes pay for victory.” Simplified Tax Form; Taxes; War Debt; 1940s; WW2; Public Service Announcement; Government PSA;