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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220478-32
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1945,1940s
Country: USA
TC Begins: 21:55:24
TC Ends: 21:56:29
Duration: 00:01:05
WWII - 1945, USA Homefront: Promotion For War Refugee Aid Intertitle: Henry Kaiser Opens Clothing Collection Drive For War Needy. 21:55:31 MS Shipbuilder / businessman Kaiser in front of campaign poster appeals for clothing to give to war victims. SOF: “On April 1st we will start a nationwide collection of 150 million pounds of used clothing to be sent to the millions of destitute war victims...” visuals, montage of poor looking children in various countries: China; Europe etc. American family at home getting old clothes out of closet & attic to donate. “...remember the date, April 1st to 30th and don’t forget...” Kaiser gets out large sign & reads it: “What Can you Spare That They Can Wear?” 1945; WW2 Charity Drive Plea; Promotion; Aid; Assistance;