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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221648-04
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1945,1940s
Country: Burma,China,India,USA
Location: Burma Road,Chongqing,Chungking,Southeast Asia
TC Begins: 02:26:05
TC Ends: 02:39:12
Duration: 00:13:07
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII - Color, 1940s: Burma Road; Chungking (?) Bombing & Fires Pan dock w/ barrels, crates & wrapped tires (?) & other war supplies, people among & in background. 02:26:23 Man walking past large wooden Ford crates, pan others stacked. Pan line of snub-nosed trucks w/o beds. Tractor pulling trailer w/ Ford crate; ls of hillside of trucks. 02:27:03 Trucks past dusty highway w/ marker near curve: Frontiere 1. 02:27:11 High angle / HA shot of farmland w/ truck on road snaking thru. 02:27:24 Truck onto river ferry; past marker in mountains. Sharp peaked Chinese mountains from valley. 02:27:44 Chinese on bicycles, carrying goods on poles & pushing cart on city street. 02:27:50 LS across valley farmland & truck up mountain road. View of crooked highway; workers repairing by hand. Views winding road & truck traffic. 02:30:01 Pack horses w/ red pom-poms / markers. Men carrying lumber on bouncing poles. Ferry. 02:30:27 Pan of city on hillside & ridge. American horseman arriving, horse & man led up stone stairs from river past Chinese. 02:30:42 City street w/ large building, passing pedestrians, parked cars. Ornate large building w/ CU Chinese inscription. Street intersection w/ policeman directing traffic. 02:31:14 Scatter large houses on hillside above river & boats, POV from river (brief). Small farm plots & large buildings, college campus (?), w/ students. 02:31:45 Harvesting bundles of rice or grain (brief). People walking on mountain road. Mountains behind town on opposite side of river. Pan wide river w/ town / city on low hills; steel truss bridge w/ people crossing. Men rowing raft w/ melons or ??. Rafts w/ hay floating downstream. 02:33:17 Foot traffic on dirt road past large mud buildings, fort & wall. CU boy w/ bucket on donkey. Pagoda buildings; parked rickshaws beside city gate (?). 02:34:09 HA small fast river thru narrow canyon w/ bridge across. Barren mountains w/ vertical sandstone cliffs. Goats or sheep thru opening in mud brick fence. Fortress wall. 02:34:39 City wall; MCU American officer w/ pistol and many Chinese civilians & soldiers pose seated in front of building. HA rooftops & street between. LS carts down dirt road, clouds around distant mountains. Men by river sifting sand / gravel; horse carts along river. Mountain long shots. 02:35:28 City street w/ pedestrians & signs, rickshaws past; rubble & clearing w/ buildings behind. Pan huge clouds from bomb explosions of city on river hillside; empty sky; planes overhead. Cameraman taking still photographs of clouds rising from bombing Formations overhead; explosions. 02:37:36 Smoke rising & flames, ls, ms & MCUs. Many buildings in flames. GOOD. WW2; Southeast Asia; Clandestine Operations; Special Operations; Prisoners of Water; Liberation; Southeast Asia; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: