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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1573-01
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1945
Country: England,United Kingdom
Location: London
TC Begins: 12:00:14
TC Ends: 12:16:05
Duration: 00:15:51
WWII - Color, 1945, England: Gliders Leaving For Europe; Jerry Cans of Fuel; Bombing; London & St. Paul Cathedral Ceremony Gliders on field, C-47 pulling gliders overhead, gliders turning to land & approaching. 12:01:21 Gliders pulled up by jeep behind tow plane. CU attaching cable. C47 motor starting; pilot in window; C47s taxiing, gliders leave. POV to rear from C47 low (gliders not visible, only fields); view of gliders. POV alongside towed gliders. View of runway w/ C47 taking off w/ two gliders. 12:05:28 Aerial of bombs falling, smoke of dropped flare. Smoke on ground rising. 12:06:47 Large target on ground. 12:07:00 Full Jerry cans moved / stacked. C47 taxiis up alongside cans, men open door. MS men stacking filled cans in rows. Soldiers boarding C47. Officers out of C47, some w/ berets. Russian soldiers on airfield at attention as arriving men / guerillas walk past. 12:09:11 Aerial over airfield; high over bombs exploding, much smoke rising. 12:10:45 POV from front of plane on low strafing runs, hitting tanks in field & planes on ground. 12:11:35 Soldiers lowering nose door of glider & attaching cable. Glider seen taking off from grass field. 12:12:24 Medics unloading/ loading bundles from ambulances on field. 12:12:53 Slate: 389th N-47. Sky w/ light clouds from above. POV strafing. 12:13:29 Slate: 3rd CCU. Four-motor planes overhead, London. Ext of Church w/ procession leaving, soldiers past. Allied officers & others leaving. Crowd of men & women in uniform. 12;14:52 High angle of motorcade thru London, pedestrians, buses & traffic from rooftops near St. Paul’s Cathedral, tilt up Cathedral. Steps & procession out. Car leaving & spectators lining street waving. MCU. Invasion; Bombing Runs; WW2; Card sold at per reel rate.