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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221053-03
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1945
Country: Germany
TC Begins: 04:28:44
TC Ends: 04:40:01
Duration: 00:11:17
WWII - Color, 1945, Germany: US Airfield. Apr45 US airfield scenes - Captured German fighter planes - USAAF bombers & fighters taxiing - take offs & landings. 04:33:28 Maintenance work on aircraft - ground crew polishing & repairing - painting insignia. INT hangar - aircraft taxiing outside. Troops resting. Mechanic in shop. 04:37:49 Washday - troops hanging washing on line & washing clothes in hand-cranked machine. Cleaning officer’s car & truck. WW2;