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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1390-05
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1945,1940s
Country: Japan,USA
Location: Naha,Okinawa,Pacific,Ryukyu Islands
TC Begins: 12:36:01
TC Ends: 12:38:57
Duration: 00:02:56
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII - Color, 1945, Okinawa: Marines, 3rd BN, 4th Marines Firing Truck Launched Rockets. 20May45 Slate: Wolfkill Roll 24, 3rd BN 4th Marines, Okinawa 20May45. Area 7672-K-L-M. MS Drivers in trucks w/ loaded rocket launchers, backed into position & fired as Marines put fingers in ears; run & reload. Ready. 12:37:05 End Slate: Rocket Platoon suporting 3rd BN 4th Marines. Firing & run to move trucks. End slate. 12:37:34 Slate: Wolfkill Roll 25, Okinawa 20May45 Rocket Platoon supporting 4th Marines. Trucks w/ covered rocket launchers moved up, uncovered, five trucks firing. Moving past camera. 12:38:44 Marines advance along dirt road past wrecked tank WW2: Fighting; Battles; Pacific; Weapons; NOTE: Complete short reels totaling up to ten minutes may be sold at per reel rate. Good color & action. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: