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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250160-01
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1945,1940s
Country: Japan,USA
Location: Okinawa,Pacific,Ryukyu Islands
TC Begins: 08:00:12
TC Ends: 08:29:52
Duration: 00:29:40
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII - Color, 1945, Okinawa: USA 1st & 6th Marine Divisions. Apr-May45 Titles. 08:01:01 01Apr45 HA island & shoreline, view to sea of landing craft towards beach w/ navy ships firing, view from landing craft as Amphibious Forces of 10th Army w/ 24th Army Corps Assault Troops & 3rd Marine Amphibious Corp to beach. LST unloading tanks w/ flotation pontoons move thru waves & onto beach. 08:02:21 Troops off LVT, into jungle inland. GOOD CUs. 08:03:28 Rifle grenades fired, rolling farmland; fighting. Okinawa refugees, soldier carrying one. CUs. 08:05:14 Soldiers up road to bridge destruction. Fording stream / river. Tank w/ blade fills hole; Columns move ahead on rutted road. Thru village w/ tank w/ bulldozer blade. 08:06:45 HA / high angle troops in jungle; Japanese running; blowing up caves & firing w/ sniper rifles. 08:07:16 Dead Japanese; body falls down slope; Marines throw grenade or ?? into jungle caves. Explosion injured out. Marine patrol up small road; firing rifles; inspect dead. Litters carried by marines. 08:09:20 Dummy tank w/ camouflage paint beside tree inspected by Marine. Captured airfield w/ wreckage. 08:09:43 Inspecting jet propelled suicide plane, number I-18. Bulldozer & road grader clearing & improving airstrip. Aerials over airstrip. 08:11:11 LS tanks loaded w/ soldiers & self-propelled 155s advance up mountain road, passing resting soldiers. Along sandy beach next to surf. Camouflage netting over LVTA firing. 08:12:10 Suicide boats, packed w/ explosives & intended for launching down a hill & into a stream, are inspected. Destroyed launch runway to water seen. 08:12:56 Marines and flame-throwing tanks mop up a village; house to house; burning houses & village. 08:15:30 Aerial over burning village. Infantry advances w/ backpack flame-throwers & rifles. GOOD. 08:16:14 Food, water & munitions are parachuted from low flying Corsair planes to Marines near ridge, folding parachutes & carrying dropped ammunition & equipment. 08:17:07 Japanese fighters strafing; explosions; marines advancing. Following tanks; tank guns fire into caves. Wounded are carried to rear. Firing machine guns, rifles. 08:18:42 Smoke barrage protects Marines crossing an open slope. CU running past camera. Tank gunner firing; crossing fields. Machine gunner, soldiers crawling on stomach. 08:20:02 Mud bogs trucks & jeeps. Soldiers slog thru water & mud. HA advancing Marines. Japanese positions attacked w/ phosphorus, flame-throwers, bazookas & rifles. 08:22:15 A disabled tank is salvaged, its crew rescued under a smoke screen. Flame-throwing tanks mop up behind Marine lines. Marines passing burning brush. 08:23:42 Marines relieve blocked Army units south of Naha. 08:24:08 1st & 6th Marine Divisions brought in to lower third of island. Rockets, artillery & dive bombers bombard Sugar Loaf Hill. Explosions. Throwing smoke grenades. Planning in MCU. CU barrels firing day & night. Self-propelled 155s are brought up. Artillery & dive bombers strike Naha; HA Marines advance to occupy outskirts; advance running following tank firing. Automatic rifles, tracers firing from high ground. 08:29:47 Title: The End. WW2: Pacific Battles; Fighting; Horrors of War; NOTE: Any continuous 15 minutes sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: