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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220656-06
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1944
Country: England,France,United Kingdom,USA
Location: English Channel,Normandy
TC Begins: 22:30:15
TC Ends: 22:41:07
Duration: 00:10:52
WWII - Colour, 1944, France: D-Day Landing / Normandy Invasion. Cuts (?) Ship US 555 LCI grounded, men looking at it. CU woman officer. Body floating in sea. High Angle / HA of stretchers covering deck of transport / hospital ship as wounded brought aboard by hoist. 22:30:49 Stretches of wrapped bodies lowered into landing craft. 22:31:00 Stormy sea smashing against floating harbor sections. 22:31:12 Small boats /ships tied up in harbor. Troops walking ashore from landing craft on beach w/ wrecked jeep in foreground. CU Soldier’s feet as shell casings fall around them. Aircraft in formation fly overhead. 22:31:51 On board ship - prayers - priest conducts service. Sentry 22:32:33 English Channel, landing craft towards shore w/ smoke rising; barrage balloons over harbor & ships moving about & anchored. 22:33:07 Troops into landing craft. Soldiers wade to shore. Rescued enemy pilot (?) hoisted & climbing onto ship. Landing craft in harbor. HA troops in landing craft. Wake from boat. 22:34:25 Black troops loading ammunition crates onto truck w/ barrage balloon behind. Beachhead activities w/ MP directing traffic. 22:35:16 Stormy sea smashing against grounded floating dock unit. 22:36:01 Covered body on stretcher into landing craft. 22:36:16 Slug Shot of destroy 22:26:19 CU soldier smoking. LS taken from shore of ships in smoke. 22:36:32 DUKW across mud flat to sand. . 22:36:48 Battleship (?) w/ small boats moving around; hills of shore behind in haze. 22:36:54 Onboard ship’s b ridge; firing anti-aircraft guns. CU officer. troops on deck waiting. Low shoreline w/ barrage balloons. 22:37:34 Various size ships at sea & towards shore. Officers down side of ship on netting w/ map case. 22:38:39 Officers w/ binoculars on turret or tower marked US 84. Troops on shore in DUKW past pillbox. HA many ships anchored offshore w/ barrage balloons overhead. CU sailors. 22:39:42 Stormy sea smashing against floating dock section. Various shots landing craft around ships & moving thru water.. 22:40:34 On board ship firing anti-aircraft / Ack Ack gun. WW2; Jun44; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate; very good Colour. Probably shot by John Ford’s unit.