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WWII - USA Homefront: Showtime Presents Carole Landis

Reel Number: 250065-09

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1940s

Country: USA


TC Begins: 08:43:23

TC Ends: 08:47:08

Duration: 00:03:45

Title: Showtime Presents Carole Landis 08:43:31 Photographer in studio w/ large view portrait camera w/ Landis in studio behind cardboard cutout of fat lady in bathing suit - comes out in 1900s swimsuit - jokes about swimsuit. 08:44:10 Carole Landis sings ‘Pinup Girl’. Many costume changes. Milks cardboard cow wearing cowgirl swimsuit outfit. Sitting on glittering moon crescent - animated bouncing ball lyrics across bottom of screen. The End. Entertainers; WW2 Morale Boosting; Sex Appeal; Pinups; Screen Magazine; Entertainment; Singer; Singing; Gag; Oddities; WWII;

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