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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220470-41
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1945,1940s
Country: USA
Location: Washington, DC
TC Begins: 06:00:04
TC Ends: 06:02:29
Duration: 00:02:25
WWII -1945, United Nations: MacLeish Explains The San Francisco Peace Program. ca Apr45 Intertitle: MacLeish Explains The San Francisco Peace Program 06:00:11 MCU Archibald MacLeish, Assistant Secretary of State, speaks SOF: “The purpose of the United Nations Organization is to preserve Peace & to advance prosperity & social and human rights. The organization will succeed if the people of this country & the people of the world understand its objectives & believe in them & accept them for themselves. Peace has always been the policy of the American people; peace is now the necessity of the American people. If there is another war, if there is new aggressor the United States will be the first target of that aggressor’s action.” 06:00:59 Standing in front of a chart w/ a small pointer, SOF: “The basis of the plan is the General Assembly of the United Nations where the member states will meet to discuss their common problems. Under the General Assembly is the Economic & Social Council which would have a membership of 18 member nations at a time & which would be assisted in its work by commissions of experts in the various fields.” 06:01:27 “The Security Council has one job & only one to do: to enforce & maintain peace. It is assisted by a military staff committee made up of the Chiefs of Staff of the five permanent members of the council: Great Britain, Russia, China, ourselves & eventually France. The International Court of Justice would advise the organization on legal questions & would receive for consideration disputes between member nations.” 06:02:03 CU to camera: “The whole organization has one simple but daring purpose: to stop wars & improve the lot of men by bringing nations together around the table to discuss their common problems, to remove the causes of war & to stop wars by every means peaceful & forcible from starting.” speech re UNO mission: “ the purpose of the United Nations Organization is to preserve peace and to advance prosperity and social and human rights... peace has always been the policy of the American people... if there is another war... the United States will be the first target...” MacLeish stands in front of UN chart showing structure and explains role of each department: General Assembly, Security Council, International Court of Justice. ” stop wars by every means peaceful and forcible” WW2; 1940s; International Organizations; Plans;