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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1872-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940s,1944
Country: Greece,Holland,Netherlands,USA
Location: Crete,fort benning,Georgia
TC Begins: 01:28:50
TC Ends: 01:38:06
Duration: 00:09:16
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII & Post-WW2, US Army History: 82nd & 101st Airborne Division R1 of 3 Montage: Missile firing, artillery firing, helicopter landing & troops out, infantry up Korea hillside. 01:29:21 Main title 01:29:40 Master Sgt. Stewart Queen, SOF talks of historical exploration of methods of combat & the airborne story. 01:30:22 Fairchild C-119 Flying Boxcars taking off; formation overhead; 101st Airborne soldiers sitting inside waiting for drop. 01:30:57 Montage: Early balloon ascent; early motorized plane w/ twin-engine & circling muddy field. Army biplane taking off; WWI biplane & bombers; aerial reconnaissance; barnstormer parachuting from wing of biplane; crowd on ground; daredevil in water. 01:32:17 Ft. Benning training airborne unites w/ parachute jump on wooden scaffolding; jumping from plane, landing. 01:32:58 German Stukas w/ transports, planes dropping paratroops on Crete. Other parachute drops by Allies. 01:33:40 Map of Sicily; paratroops dropping, soldiers across countryside & fighting, marching up road, kids greeting & town band playing. 01:34:22 Hitler standing in car thru countryside saluting; German officers. 01:34:41 Airborne getting equipment, grenades etc for Operation Overlord; boarding planes; 06Jun44 -47s taking off, formation overhead, parachutes dropping, tracers going up; troops running thru mist & fog; explosions, infantry troops fighting, sign: Sainte Mere Eglise, town street. 01:36:01 101st boarding planes for Operation Market; gliders on ground, loading thru nose of gliders. Nose arit, backing jeep on board, graffiti on nose, troops boarding. 01:37:02 C-47s pulling gliders off, POV past planes on ground. Gliders circling to land, Landings; parachute jumps, descending w/ cows running. WW2; Unit History; Military Documentary; Recruiting Propaganda; War; NOTE: Very good but quick montages w/ good quality. Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: