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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221669-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1945,1940s
Country: USA
TC Begins: 22:06:12
TC Ends: 22:11:07
Duration: 00:04:55
WWII, Animation - Private Snafu - It’s Murder She Says... Off-limits signs over South America, Europe “...she left a trail of broken men.” Pan over animated drawings to Anopheles Annie, the malaria mosquito, drinking cocktail of beet juice. Walks like a Madam to table where two young prostitute-like mosquitos are primping, talks about her youth “I used to be the toast of the hot spots, queen of the swamps”. Dances among cocktail glasses, labels Guadalcanal Zombie, Bombay Boilermaker, Bizerte Bombshell, Salerno Sling. 22:07:50 Turns into arrow & dives down, hits Snafu in butt; explosive graphics. Shot of many hospital beds overlaid w/ graph of increasing malaria cases. 22:08:05 Graphic of Panama Canal & Annie thrown out by cloud of spray w/ sign: Off LImits. 22:08:12 Various figures of doctors & others researching against malaria. Text: Get Annie. 22:08:32 GI reading pamphlet: Malaria Discipline while wearing mosquito netting. CU Annie can’t get in to face, tries to bit leg, can’t get into tent. CU hand putting on repellent; drop falls on Annie who gets sick over rock, walks hunched over across desert & chased by aerosol can & cloud of spray. 22:09:27 Fleet of landing craft to shore, bulldozers unloaded & leveling, oil onto swamps, planes over w/ clouds of dust, steam shovels working, Annie chased across pond. 22:10:04 Hospital beds emptied except for Snafu. Annie pulls pictures out of bosom & shows pictures of Snafu to working girls: “...a smart girl can still sneak in for a one-night stand.” Mosquito girls laugh at pictures showing exposed skin, avoidance of repellent & pills. 22:10:38 Snafu walking thru jungle in shorts & w/o shirt to wolf-whistles of four mosquitos zooming in. Annie drinks cocktail at table & says to camera: “...a girl can still make an honest living.” 22:10:56 End title. WW2 Cartoon; Animated Films; Military Disease Prevention; Humor; Comedy; Oddities; Hookers; Stupidity; NOTE: If requested will prove 22:00:13 - 22:11:07 (2 cards) for one reel price. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: