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Years of Decision, The Pt. 2 of 2

Reel Number: 221517-11

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1950

Country: England,France,Italy,Netherlands,Norway,Turkey,United Kingdom


TC Begins: 04:43:22

TC Ends: 04:53:56

Duration: 00:10:34

Pt. 2 of 2 Montage: Norway harbor, OEEC request; Italy & request to ERP; Turkey & request; Ireland ERP program. 04:43:59 US Capitol building, int. House of Representatives (GOOD). 04:44:18 CU Paul Hoffman, talking w/ ??. 04:44:26 Montage; antennas, men & families listening to radios. GOOD 04:44:59 Freighter unloading at dock. Ship Cape Poge. Speakers platform w/ US & French or Italian flags & speakers (MOS). Military, priests. Unloading bulldozer tractor in crate by crane. 04:45:43 Village, bicyclists in Holland. Unloading cotton from railroad car, int. of textile mill & looms weaving, man attending. Ext. England coal hoist, miners looking; int. miners mining, shoveling & conveyor. Unloading coal barges. GOOD. 04:47:13 Int. Fiat car plant, automobile body lowered. Assembly line. Ship at dock & unloading sulfur / sulphur in Marseilles. Horse pulling sprayer thru grape vines in vineyard. 04:47:54 Small fishing boat, Norwegian fishermen, nets & dumping herring & sardine. men & women packing & sorting herring, canning. King of Norway brand on crates. 04:48:40 Int. small English grocery, woman to counter & cans pulled from shelf. CUs. man buying spaghetti at counter. Men at cattle livestock market in village square. Paying money. 04:49:40 Tractors parked, man getting on. Animation of process of Marshall plan showing money to Europe a gift from people of US to people of France. 04:50:21 Man on tractor & swather cutting grain. Dam under construction, men working in MCU. Road building in Greece. Housing construction. Shoe factory & CU stitching soles. Man window shopping outside shoe store. Woman putting food on table from string bag. Coal shoveling w/ 11% over. Textiles (18%). 04:52:23 Passenger train past destroyed buildings. Men playing bocci / bocce in Italy. Couple & two children at dinner table. Large French family at table w/ roast onto table, kids eating. 04:53:17 Textile union meeting. Montage of coal miner, other workers, farming. The End. Post-WWII European Rebuilding; Post-WW2 Marshall Plan; Diplomatic Cooperation; Diplomacy; Families; Communication;

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