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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221786-06
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1939
Country: Germany,Poland,USA
Location: Gdynia,Vistula River
TC Begins: 13:01:30
TC Ends: 13:11:04
Duration: 00:09:34
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII - 1939, Poland: Capture of Warsaw. Sep39 Pan many German bombers, unloading bombs from trucks, CU opening crates & carrying, pilots run to Stuka planes & take off. Air to air of formation; above twin-engine bombers & falling bombs, explosions. POV Stuka diving, dive-bombing over railyard. Railroad trains. Pulling out & over farmland, other planes over roads. Flak bursts. Aerial over destroyed railroad & burned fright & passenger cars. 13:04:51 Polish heavy armored railroad cars off rails & heavily damaged. 13:05:05 Very heavy guns loaded & fired outside Warsaw; smaller artillery firing, explosions, burning trains & explosions. Heavy smoke rising; aerial over burning buildings. 13:06:53 Mounted columns & wagons into city suburbs. Tanks & motorcycles enter. Burning building. 13:07:40 Destroyed trolleys on sides & off tracks. Trucks of soldiers past refugees leaving. Polish defenders surrendering, pushing bicycles, turning in equipment, rifles. Stacks of machine guns & other weapons / rifles, helmets, artillery. 13:09:14 Aerial over field of captured equipment. Polish Prisoners of War / POWs march along road. 13:10:03 German band playing, troops riding thru Warsaw past hanging banners of swastikas. Goose stepping Nazis. GOOD. 13:10:57 Title: The End. WW2 Invasion; Battles; Fighting; Attacks; Surrendering; Aerial Bombardment; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: