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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1267-02
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1945
Country: Japan,USA
Location: IWO JIMA,Pacific
TC Begins: 12:08:46
TC Ends: 12:17:40
Duration: 00:08:54
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII - Color, 1945, Iwo Jima: Shipboard, Marines to Shore, Ships Unload LVTs, Advance. 19-24Feb45 MS Marines in LCVP landing craft towards shore; view of shore w/ explosions; beach & other landing craft approaching. Men off, running w/ packs . 12:09:41 Slate: Cameraman Acosta Roll 2, 4th Div USMC. MS of troops w/ rifles & flame-thrower waiting on sand. Looking towards ships offshore, explosions in water, marines moving about & landing craft approaching. GOOD. 12:10:34 High Angle / HA on shipboard w/ Marines waiting to board. Many landing craft in water. 12:10:43 Slate: 19Feb45 First casualty. Hoisted aboard ship on platform. 12:11:09 LCI filled w/ Marines & equipment leaving ship. 12:11:21 Slate: Sgt E.C. Bengston R2 4th Div. - 19Feb45 18:30 Iwo Jima Blue 1. - 20Feb45 D+1 Iwo Jima Blue Beach. Out of focus till 12:11:35 View of landing craft in water from shore; along beach cluttered w/ landing craft, equipment. M-4 Sherman tank w/ anti-mine devices. 12:11:53 Marines firing large mortars from beach crater. 12:12:20 Men unloading ammunition from beached landing craft. 12:12:33 Bengston R3 20Feb ??. Marines firing mortars from sandy crater. LS across sand; smoke drifting 12:13:23 Bengston R4 21Feb45 D+2 Battle Iwo Jima. Airstrip No 1 Fire burning near water. Marines digging in lava sand. LS fire & smoke. 12:13:53 Bengston R5 23Feb45 Beach scenes. LVT to shore w/ large LST behind. MS unloading LVT from LST 731. LCI unloading LVT alongside LST 731, bulldozer pulling; men unloading rates into LVT. LVT & DUKW adrift in water. Piles of supplies on beach. 12:15:11 Bengston R6. 23Feb45 Equipment on beach. Waves against LVT. LS across water & landing craft. LVT out of water; unloading ship w/ open front doors, Marines carry jerry cans, load truck. 12:15:43 Marines at Medical post on beach. Men board Higgins boat & backing out & turning in surf. 12:16:06 Men filling sandbags; craft & ships offshore. 12:16:25 Slate: Bengston R7 24Feb45 Drive in Center of Lines, Iwo Jima. Explosions in mid-distance; marines moving forward; laying in grass observing & men moving about in distance. Marine running forward; heavy explosions & black smoke. Pacific War; WW2; Landing Chaos; Fighting; NOTE: Battle of Iwo Jima 19Feb-26Mar45. Fair color & action. NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: