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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250182-04
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1945
Country: Guam,Japan,USA
Location: Guam,Hawaii,IWO JIMA,Pacific,Pearl Harbor
TC Begins: 06:21:27
TC Ends: 06:30:53
Duration: 00:09:26
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII - Color, 1945, Pacific: Naval Scenes w/ Iwo Jima Invasion; Submarines; Victory Garden Project High angle / HA wake of unidentified DD underway. HA Waves breaking over bow of DD underway. 06:22:00 Firing shots / tracers at ?? in water w/ small explosions 06:22:17 28Mar45 CLs & BBs bombarding Iwo Jima. 06:22:33 LS pan planes making strafing & bombing runs on Iwo Jima. LS Fire bombs burst on Mt. Suribachi. 06:23:11 Wave of LVTs, landing craft & amphibious tanks underway to beach. Battleships; DD & other ships bombarding in BG (good). Phosphorous shells burst & fire burn fiercely on side of Mt. Suribachi. Landing craft marked PRESS in large letters on side. 06:24:01 USS England (DE-635) transfers supplies at sea to wooden submarine chaser (SC-504). MS SC underway, bow-on view, men on deck of DE FG. MS Transferring supplies at sea from DE to SC alongside. GOOD. 06:25:21 07Apr45 Routine activities aboard USS Plaice (SS-390). CU Conning officer in sub using periscope. CU Forecastle of submarine underway on surface. 06:25:59 CU Conning tower on surface, lookouts watching horizon. 06:26:17 CU Conning officer & lookout on top of flying bridge of sub underway on surface, seen from bow. 06:26:33 1945 Foreign Economic Administration / FEA Garden Project at Guam. MS-CU Garden project w/ sprinkler system & neat fields. Military traffic in jeeps past. 06:27:16 Water buffalo / carabao grazing on foliage in front of fields. MS Man changes angle of sprinklers. 06:28:08 MS & CU Tractor pulling corn planter past. 06:28:55 MS & CU Signalman raises & lowers signal hoist during Japanese attack. Officer exercising, seen from above. 06:29:46 LS Japanese plane passes midst flak bursts 06:30:03 18May45 MS Secretary of the Navy Forrestal alights from transport plane at Pearl Harbor NAS, officers greet him on ground, salutes & handshaking all around. Note: Shot includes Adm. Bagley, Com 14. 06:30:45 MCU Pilot of plane looking out window above Sec. of Navy's flag painted on cowling. Fighting; Battle; Navy; Victory Gardens; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. Good color. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: