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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1271-05
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1945,1940s
Country: Japan,USA
Location: IWO JIMA,Pacific
TC Begins: 10:34:11
TC Ends: 10:43:51
Duration: 00:09:40
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII - Color, 1945, Pacific, Iwo Jima: Marines, Field Hospital w/ Injured & Wounded. D+13 CU bandaged face & hands of medic taking X-ray. CU cutting bloody shirt from shoulder wound, bleeding. 10:34:54 Slate: 5th Mar Div Roll 46, camera Cockrell. DF+12 20:00 Wound & Treatment 5th Med ?? Hospital. MS rear of shoulder wound bleeding; arm wound. Cutting uniform. Arm wound. Injured on army cot. Various bloody wounds treated; cleaning wound on bearded face, applying white powder & bandage. Injured sleeping . CU operating, applying gauze pads. Leg & foot wounds cleaned, splinted. Needle & ?? into arm, taped into place for blood transfusion. 10:39:08 Slate: same Roll 48, D+13 07:30 5th Med BN Hospital. Location 48 Baker. Men cooking around small fire on ground; bandaged wounded standing talking; MCU stirring cooking in pans; MS eating & cooking canned beans & ?? 10:39:57 CU sign: Operating Room beside door, pan to garbage cans, body parts , pile of helmets & clothing. men carry injured on stretcher out of tent, MCU bandaged face; loading stretchers onto racks in jeep / ambulance & leaving. 10:41:36 CU tage on wounded w/ Urgent label. Operating on leg wound. 10:42:31 Slate: Cockrell roll 49, D+13 11:30 Wounds & treatment 5th Div Hospital. CU cans & bottles of supplies w/ labels on table in operating room. CU dipping ? from steaming covered kettle, adding liquid from small bottle; cleaning facial wound, shaving around it. WW2; Pacific Island Field Hospital; Treatment; Medics; Bloody; Gory; Horrors of War; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. GOOD color but very graphic. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: