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Chinese Protest Manchurian Activities! 8,000 in huge anti-Japanese demonstration.

Reel Number: 221711-16

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1931

Country: USA

Location: Chicago,Illinois

TC Begins: 06:38:35

TC Ends: 06:39:42

Duration: 00:01:07

Chinese Protest Manchurian Activities! 8,000 in huge anti-Japanese demonstration. 06:38:44 Boy Scouts carrying Nationalist China flag; placards in parade along side of street. Oriental students carry banners; “Japan Violates Washington Arms Treaty. Chinese girls w/ American flags; many children w/ signs in Chinese & English. 06:39:22 Oriental speaker in suit w/ crowd around him; MS people listening. Speaker in front of Wing Cheung Loung & Co. storefront sign. 1931 Anti-Imperialism Demonstration; Manchuko; Demonstrators; Protesting;

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