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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220330-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940s
Country: China,Japan
Location: manchuria
TC Begins: 13:01:04
TC Ends: 13:13:00
Duration: 00:11:56
Enemy Japan, The Pt 3: Dream of Empire R1 of 2 Introduction by Joseph C. Grew US Ambassador to Japan 1933 - 1941 They will not give up or surrender. Japan bombers from ground & in air; bombing China w/ explosions. City w/ burning, smoking & fire. Chinese running in the streets, bodies; Japanese troops in China advance & battle. Japanese Government & military officers. Hideki Tojo comes to power. Flashback 1931, Manchurian conquest, firing artillery, marching in, troops out of trucks, cheer, march. Pu Yi reviews troops. Chinese government buildings & heads of Japanese financed corporations. 13:05:33 Army engineers planning; construction w/ forced manual labor. Troops watch Manchurian farmers work. Opium smoking. 13:06:29 1937 Japanese Zero pursuit planes take off across grass field; men wave goodbye to bombers. POV from planes bombing China. Shanghai explosions & heavy damage. Cruiser Augusta after bombed w/ flag over coffin. Chinese refugees; doctors & nurses & American missionaries. 13:08:36 Japanese march through Shanghai, up Yangtze. Japanese boats on river w/ troops; planes over. Artillery firing, troops crawl forward. Amphibious planes dive-bomb. Japanese machine gunners. Tanks & men advance; supplies brought along river. Soldiers crossing river on bridge held up comrades. 13:10:35 Crossing river in boats under cover of chemical smokescreen. Up muddy bank 13:11:07 Artillery & house to house fighting; tanks. Men banzai cheer off castle(?) Ohenju Railway station & repair of tracks by slave labour. Open pit mine. Japanese stockpile supplies, carrying crates. Pre-WWII Pacific; Fighting; Manchuko Invasion; Propaganda;