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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220916-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1940
Country: China,Japan,Norway
Location: Kyoto Nara Han,shui River Tokyo Chunking
TC Begins: 23:35:44
TC Ends: 23:46:25
Duration: 00:10:41
Nippon News Vol 15 No 7 1) Emperor worships at shrines in Kyoto and Nara ( soft ) Emperor arrives in limo. Hirohito and others with priest. Car leaves. 2) Emperor Hirohito greets Manchurian Emperor Pu Yi at Tokyo Railway station ( soft ) Train pulls in to station - two Emperors shake hands - Motorcade to palace. 3) 23:39:09 Japanese air force bombs city along Han-shui River and soldiers advance across river. ( soft ) Aerial views - air to air Japanese fighter aircraft. Troops cross river on raft. Horses on raft. Troops run in countryside. Erect machine gun. 4) 23:41:19 Japanese Bomb Chungking China. Japanese fighter bombers on airfield. Pilots - aircraft take off and fly in formation. Aerial views - bombs dropped ( poor quality ) 5) 23:43:32 German planes bomb British ships off the coast of Norway. German aircraft flying in formation. AV bombs dropped on shipping ( poor quality ) 6) 23:44:48 British and French ships shoot down several German planes. Ships fire at planes - flak - Various ships including Air Craft Carrier, Destroyer and liner / transport ? various shots firing at planes, one plane brought down. Some shots from on board British and French ships ?