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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221076-14
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1933
Country: China
Location: Harbin,Hsinking,manchuria
TC Begins: 08:57:21
TC Ends: 09:07:48
Duration: 00:10:27
Shinko Manshukoka No Zeno (General State of Manchuko) Reel 4 Shows growth in Manchukuo since Japanese occupation and emphasizes its sovereignty. Following the Manchurian Incident, the people of Manchuria decide to become an independent nation - glueing posters on wall - celebration in Hsinking. Sign “Co-operate to make Manchukuo the Geneva of the East”. Unid. Western diplomats. Emperor Pu Yi, Chinese General Charley Hsueh-liang and Japanese Lt. Gen. Nobuyoshi Muto participate in the ceremonies. "Good neighbor Japan" signs official recognition of Manchuria; views of Manchukuo government in session. New government offices under construction. Prewar China. 1930s.