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WWII - 1945 ca, USA Documentary - The Nazi Plan R03 of 22

Reel Number: 220750-06

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1933,1930s

Country: Germany


TC Begins: 13:29:30

TC Ends: 13:39:21

Duration: 00:09:51

Acquiring Totalitarian Control of Germany Opening of the Official Anti-Semitic Campaign April 1933. Animated speech by Goebbels to crowd - Sieg Heils from crowd. 13:30:41 SA Brownshirts in lorries / trucks - demonstration - yellow star painted on window - anti-Jewish slogans - antisemitic boycott. 13:32:12 Foreign Press Conference Addressed by Goebbels & Hitler April 1933. 13:34:13 The Burning of the Books - books thrown onto bonfires. Goebbels speaks to Hitler youth and others - animated speech ends in singing. 13:37:13 Christening of New Great German Aircraft Hindenburg by Goering in presence of Cabinet Members. 13:38:07 17th May 1933 Reichstag address on Disarmament - Hitler making speech - long shot. 13:38:32 Youth meeting in Thuringia. 18Jun1933 Hitler making animated speech at Youth meeting (.. after 4 months NS regime, the unemployment rate dropped by 1,2 millions... we won’t stop fighting until we’ve reached our goal”) - good sound but not good shots Hitler. 1933; Nazism; History; 17May33 Speech; 18Jun33 Speech; Economics; Promises;

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