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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221213-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1935,1930s
Country: Germany,Hungary
Location: Berlin,Nuremberg
TC Begins: 10:07:00
TC Ends: 10:14:12
Duration: 00:07:12
Pre-WWII - 1935, Germany: Hitler, Goering, Schirach, Sword of Nuremberg; Hungarian PM Goemboes Title: Seventh Party Congress 10-16 September 1935. Sd. Interior, Hitler reading speech at podium, crowd responding. 10:08:45 Goering standing & reading from rear of stage. Hess sitting next to Hitler. Ext. w/ flags intercut. Crowd cheers. 10:09:50 Hitler standing in open car thru streets, crowds saluting from side of road. 10:10:06 Hitler & Schirach into large stadium; speaks to crowd Krupp Steel speech to youth: “swift as greyhounds, strong as leather, & hard as Krupp Steel.”, salutes. Youth of all ages in uniforms watching in MCU, LS. CU sleeve w/ swastika band & triangle patches of Nord Mechlenburg & other ?. Applauding youth; pan over signing uniformed boys. Hitler, Hess & others walk thru. Hitler handles boy’s hair. 10:12:04 ?/ onto high platform, planes fly over; tanks across field on maneuvers. In stadium in maneuvers w/ burning buildings etc. Goose stepping troops past saluting Hitler. Field artillery, mounted cavalry. Hitler wearing military hat. 10:13:06 ?? handed large sword at indoor ceremony & then presented to Hitler. Hess beside Hitler. 10:13:14 Reception For Prime Minister Goemboes Of Hungary 28Sep35. Sd. Aka Gyula Gombos reviewing Nazi troops; at reception w/ various VIPs. Goering. Gombos speaks in German to camera. Post-WW2 War Crimes Trial Evidence; Nazi Spectacle; Military Propaganda; Pre-WW2 Nazism; Promises; Ceremony; Historical Film; German Politics; Political Party; 1930s; Speeches; NOTE: In our experience German Nazi era material is considered in the public domain throughout the world. If users feel any further clearances are necessary they are to be their own responsibility.