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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220328-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940,1944
Country: France,Italy,Kiribati,North Africa,Pacific
Location: Dieppe,Salerno,Sicily,tarawa
TC Begins: 09:36:04
TC Ends: 09:46:19
Duration: 00:10:15
The Battle For The Beaches POV Troops in landing craft, LCPs head for shore under enemy fire. Assault wave hits the beach, running up beach & digging in. Offshore, underfire, transport ships unload guns & howitzers onto middle weight landing craft - troops & equipment landing on beach w/ amphibious craft. US troops firing machine guns. Supply dump organized on beach. Troops move inland w/ flamethrowers. Japanese prisoners of war POWs. Radio communications on beach. Landing craft carry heavy military equipment, tanks & trucks, onto beach. Tank landing ship LST opens bows & tanks etc off. Montage of battle successes in Pacific. Airfield built. US flag raised. Tarawa, Japanese shrine - bodies of Japanese soldiers. 09:39:12 Waves breaking on beach. Allied battleships at sea. Seaport military base in North Africa. Attack on Sicily w/ US planes dropping bombs; airborne troops parachute down. US naval ships, LCIs unloading troops. German prisoners of war after Sicily regained by allies. Animated map showing invasion of Italy. Night landings at Salerno. American tanks landing, battle scenes on beaches of Italy; American ships under attack. Tanks through Italian village. Animated map showing US progress in forcing enemy northwards. Nettuno & cheering crowds as Italian civilians welcoming US troops. (balance of reel different than LN 400-281 version). Cairo conference, Churchill w/ Roosevelt & Chiang Kai Shek. Tehran conference Churchill, Roosevelt & Stalin. Montage battle shots, Soviets in winter, bombers & bombing. Montage American ships training on English coast for Normandy landing. Ammunition ship exploding at Salerno. Bougainville burning - dead & wounded in Pacific. Battlefield funeral. 09:43:40 German films - Nazi version of Dieppe landings Aug 1942. German troops firing guns & dug in on beaches; destroyed allied ships & equipment. Allied prisoners, some beaten & wounded marching along. Street scenes in Dieppe, civilians. German fortifications - giant guns under camouflage. Military equipment thru town. Aerial views / AVs invasion fleet at sea. Landing craft on beaches - troops run up beach. The End. WWII Battles; WW2 Fighting; Horrors of War; Amphibious Landings;