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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220980-07
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1943
Country: Canada,USA Pacific And Others
Location: vars
TC Begins: 15:54:57
TC Ends: 16:03:55
Duration: 00:08:58
Bonds At War NY War Savings Staff of US Treasury Dept; Scr. Paul Gallico, Narrated by Rex Stout Film demonstrating the use of war bond funds in prewar & WWII. US Navy, Army and Army Air Force training & fighting. VS warships at sea; aircraft in flight; submarines; PoV takeoff from aircraft carrier. Loading & firing heavy guns from battleship; “Dollars...dollars...”. Planes in flight peeling off. Japanese bombing, smoke screen laid, depth charges. Sinking freighter. INT Japanese fighter plane cockpit; plane crashes into sea. 15:58:54 “Those are your Marines, going ashore, on a business trip.” Marines in prewar amphibious beach landing maneuver, aka manoeuvre, covered by US biplane fighters. “Your bonds could make the sky black with planes”. 15:59:53 Japanese troops cross ditch w/ national flag; “There they are, there’s the Japs. Do they look funny? They are killers with first class killing equipment. Ours must be better.” British destroyers fire at Axis bombers to protect convoy. Plane into water. 16:00:25 US paratroopers in training exercise; fly over ‘enemy’ territory in transport plane; jump out, parachutes open, men land in field, unpack bicycle. 16:02:18 Montage: infantry advances, battleships fire, heavy artillery, flamethrowers, troops run across battlefield, plane drops bombs. Troops marching, move artillery. Marching. 16:03:40 War bond certificates in pile; US flag. The End. WWII US Homefront Savings Drive; War Effort; Fund Raising;