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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220832-02
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1943-1944
Country: Federated States Of Micronesia,Pacific
Location: Caroline Islands Kwajalein,Marshall Islands Marianas Islands,Truk
TC Begins: 21:40:01
TC Ends: 21:50:46
Duration: 00:10:45
Fighting Lady, The - Reel 2 - Part 2 Military Documentary: highlights functions and duties of The Fighting Lady, pseudonym for the USS Yorktown, and crew activities. Maps illustrate movement of Pacific Fleet and its engagement with the Japanese in 1943 and 1944. Eve of battle - Men washing and showering. Sailors attend church services - waiting, sleeping on bunk beds - cooks prepare bacon and eggs breakfast - eating breakfast. Prior to US assault, Japanese torpedo planes attack US squadron. US planes take off for Marianas and Guam Islands. US takes Tinian Island, Marianas Islands. Map Marianas. Dogfights and bombing Japanese bases on Tinian. Battleships surround beaches incl. USS Colorado, USS Tennessee & USS Pennsylvania. Bombers return - signalman - burning plane - plane with burning gas pouring out. Intelligence officers talk with pilots. Engine room. USS Yorktown moves ahead. Dog with life jacket. Japanese planes attack USS Yorktown. incl. A-24 Dauntlesses, TBF Avengers, Hellcats and A-25, SB2C and SBF Helldivers