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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221004-03
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1945
Country: Pacific,USA
Location: At Sea
TC Begins: 20:20:00
TC Ends: 20:29:42
Duration: 00:09:42
Hannibal Victory Reel 1 Part 3 Soldiers spray locomotive engine with paint and oil to protect against salt spray during journey across Pacific. 20:20:59 Sunday church service on deck; seamen singing hymns not heard. White stork lands on ship, sailors try to feed him bread - release him but he returns - shots of bird strutting round ship as if inspecting. 20:23:44 Sailor getting haircut. Sailor sewing seabag, monkey on lap. Seamen washing and hanging clothes on line. 20:24:44 Galley, freshly baked bread turned out of tins; pies; Black baker cutting apple pies, sailor steals slice of pie. Cooking sequence - pots, ovens, roast turkey being sliced. 20:26:40 Officers mess, men at table looking at menu, listening to Japanese music on radio. VS eating Sunday dinner - smoking cigar. 20:27:54 Crews mess - men relaxing after lunch; faces. Tying knots. Cadet Midshipmen studying; framed photographs; writing home. Good. WWII. Pacific War. Merchant Navy.