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Go to HomepageReel Number: 200522-03
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1945
Country: Japan,Pacific
Location: Pacific Iwo Jima
TC Begins: 01:03:52
TC Ends: 01:12:29
Duration: 00:08:37
Landing on Iwo Jima (good colour) Marines / troops in landing craft approaching shore. Other naval ships. Troops land and run from landing craft under fire. Wounded on beaches. Medical supplies unloaded. Animated contour model showing where medical units had been set up. Explosions - rockets fired. Casualties helped and carried to battalion aid stations. Plasma given. Explosions as more injured brought in. Grenade thrown. Artillery fired. Stretcher party - injured treated - plasma and whole blood. Wounded carried on stretchers to go to evacuation points. Seriously wounded treated in hospital tent. Blood transfusion - surgery. Silhouette of casualties arriving. Line of stretchers with wounded being transferred to transport plane. Other wounded transferred to truck for transport to landing craft. Wounded taken to hospital ship. Operating theatre on ship. Soldier having leg plastered. Facial wound treated. Hand stitched. Top shot deck of hospital ship with lines of men on strechers. Marines / troops using flame throwers. Tank firing 01:11:05 Dead on battlefield. Mass grave - funeral service. Military cemetery - crosses. Incomplete Pacific War