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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220876-07
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1945
Country: Northern Mariana Islands,Pacific,USA
Location: Guam Tinian
TC Begins: 09:17:51
TC Ends: 09:28:21
Duration: 00:10:30
Last Bomb - Stock Footage Summary: Coverage of World War II USAF bomber and fighter missions; preparations for missions at Guam; interior views of aircraft on missions; GI activity at Guam; and animated illustration of routes to Japan. Animated map of Japan indicating route to Saipan, Tinian, and Guam; and return. - Maps of the Mariana Islands and Guam. 09:18:15 Village in Guam -- shows natives going down street. Supply dump - across airfield -- shows three B-29s in hardstands. High angle view of camp / tent area. Troops standing at table, eating. Homemade washing machines - two GIs scrubbing fatigues with brushes - three GIs taking showers. Two B-29s taxiing -- B-29 parked in BG. Bombs on trailer and under B29s which are ready for bombing up. CU GIs turning propellers on aircraft. MS GIs entering B-29s. Map of island in Pacific. Stacking bombs near aircraft. B-29 on airfield - nice shot. Map of Japanese coastline and Pacific islands. AV submarine. 09:20:14 Almost night - two OA10As. Day CU camera pans left to show three parked B-29s with engines running. LS across airfield showing several B-29s taxiing. Line of B-29s taxiing -- left wings go over camera. B-29 taxiing and turning -- camera pans with aircraft. Takeoff of B-29s directly over camera. 09:22:00 INT shot taken through greenhouse of B-29, showing ships in harbor. B-29 crew -- shows CU of pilot and co-pilot. Various takeoffs. INT view of operations tower -- man is talking into microphone Formation of 12 B-29s. INT B-29 showing gunner's position. Sequence of shots of activity inside aircraft during missions. ALSs of island -- shows airfield. Several dump trucks. Army camp. Long line of parked P51s. CU three officers looking at chart. 09:25:00 P-51 starting engines -- name on aircraft: THE DEACON -- aircraft pulls out of parking area, second one follows. Formation of B-29s (approximately thirty). Shots of B-29 crew -- shows various activities during mission. Formation of B-29s with fighter escorts. Shot through the greenhouse of B-29s showing flak burst. Three P-51s in flight -- aircraft peel off. B-29 in flight P- 58) Low angle shot of B-29 -- guns are firing. CU tail gunner. CU P-51 in flight. - aircraft peel off directly in front of camera. MS five B-29s in flight. WW2; Color;