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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220811-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1943
Country: Chile,New Guinea,Pacific,Papua new Guinea
Location: ARAWE bismarck archipelago,cape gloucester,new britain
TC Begins: 18:31:40
TC Ends: 18:42:01
Duration: 00:10:21
US Marines On Cape Gloucester, New Britain - Bismarck Archipelago (Territory of New Guinea) (Dec43) MS native holding level by pole. Marine cleaning gun; other marines operate radio equipment. in field & at Communications HQ. Marines queuing by trucks. CU boarding LST ship. Marine in jungle firing rifle. LS aerial combat over sea w/ heavy smoke on shore. 18:33:15 Marines fighting in jungle; marching along muddy road near camp. CU radio & switchboard w/ operator at work. 18:34:30 VS troops coming ashore in dinghies & from LSTs. Landing off LCS. thru surf. Marines eat & prepare rifles. CU flame-thrower use. Marine loading grenade into launcher. Civilian? casualty on stretcher. 18:35:42 CU radio operator? filling out Journal sheet w/ “Task Force A” and “Warning order - Embarkation”, dated 13Dec. 18:36:12 Marines waiting for ?? Troops on landing craft. Marines examine map of area. Jungle troops throw grenade. Marines resting. 18:36:53 AV LST hits beach, decks lined w/ troops. More jungle scenes, Marines creep thru undergrowth seen from above. Amphibious vehicle leaves transport onto beach; another camouflaged LST behind. 18:38:23 Journal entry: “Mission accomplished”. Arawe 18:38:35 LS explosion across water. Marines in jungle. Amphibious vehicle guided onto beach, US flag visible on transport ship. Marines firing rifles & flame-throwers into jungle. 18:40:31 Marines loading supplies onto trucks. AV amphibious vehicle between two transports. Troops on trucks & boarding trucks. 18:41:18 Funeral ceremony for dead Marines. Marines w/ steel helmets & machetes beating undergrowth. Marines advancing along forested shoreline w/ rifles. WWII Pacific War; Invasion; South Pacific Landing; WW2;