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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221208-09
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1943,1944,1945
Country: Asia,China,Germany,Pacific
TC Begins: 01:01:04
TC Ends: 01:13:11
Duration: 00:12:07
War Department Report R3 of 4 Nazi flag & submarine diving, firing torpedo, ship explodes. American navy ship, shoots out anti-submarine mines. Big explosion in the water. 01:01:43 Pacific mud. Bulldozers push trucks through the jungle. Soldiers at supply depot. Troops thru the jungle; supply boxes, tanks, shooting. Heavy machinery building roads & airstrip. Soldiers load heavy artillery onto transport plane & takes off, camels watch (gag). 01:02:42 Aerial of China; men throw empty gas cans out of truck, animated drawing of sea & air transport costs comparing supplies from San Francisco to Australia. CU aircraft w/ writing on it - Hells Bells, shots of transportation by ships, railroad & trucks. Gasoline trucks unloaded, barrels; men load aircraft machine guns, fill up fuel tanks, planes off & maneuvering: shooting, dropping explosives, LS planes in the air, CU pilot, bombs dropped, shot from the plane to the ground strafing, bombing Germany. Bombardier. 01:05:55 German war production factory, machinery, gun production, shots of various German aircraft production factories. Planes in air, fly over oil plants, railroads; ball bearing manufacture. Artillery factory, production of bombers, plane drops bombs, shot of the factory after explosion; repairing damaged aircraft, Soldiers load bombs onto planes, take off. Planes in air, German soldiers fire large artillery, burning aircraft falls; shots of shooting, explosions, navy ship, plotters, fighters, flying fortress planes hit w/ white smoke out of it. More bombs dropping. 01:08:52 Outskirts of Berlin, graveyard of smashed American bombers, men remove plane parts. Dead & wounded crew carried out of plane. 01:09:18 Animated plan of attack on Japan via China. Plane lands on water soaked runway in Aleutians; pilots talk, plane takes off, Liberator aircrafts in air, shots from the plane to the ground. 01:10:50 New Guinea. Building landing strip w/ bulldozers & native labor clearing grass for small planes. Transport planes in air, land, boxes unloaded from aircraft; process repeated extending landing strip w/ metal decking. Bulldozing larger base. Planes in the air to Weewak, strafing POV (GOOD). Man sprays on flags on the plane, smiles at camera; planes on the airfield, landing. 01:12:26 China air base. Chinese people working on airfield, pull large roller by hand, smash rocks. Bull cart. Transport ship on the water, cars on road in India, past elephant, road sign - Tokyo, people on the elephants, workers lay railway, LS natives carrying water. WWII Quartermasters; Supplies; Resupplying Asia; Fighting; Battles; Propaganda; 1940s; WW2;