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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250149-12
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1938,1930s
Country: Philippines,United Kingdom,USA
Location: dayton,Hamilton Field,Langley Field,Manila,March Field,Ohio,Philippine islands,Seattle,Virginia,Washington,Wright Field
TC Begins: 11:19:19
TC Ends: 11:29:40
Duration: 00:10:21
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Pre-WWII - 1938, USAAF: New Advances By The U.S. Army Air Corps, 1937 - 1938 R1 of 2 Titles. 11:19:40 Title over picture, airmen putting on flying suits & boots for winter maneuvers: Selfridge Field, Michigan. Heavy leather coats. A-11 Consolidated pursuit planes taxiing & taking off; twin-engine bombers take off & in flight. 11:20:25 Pan airfield w/ title: March Field, Calif. A-17A planes on flight line. Pacific GHQ w/ fly over. Aerials of formation in flight, A-17A's lined up on flight line. Several AV's of A-17A's in flight. 11:21:12 Title: Newport `News, Virginia. US AAF and Army Ground Forces trucks cross over long James River bridge. Aerial of low flyby to left of three A-l7As laying smoke screen as trucks cross on bridge. CU of smoke screen. CU of A-17As flying over bridge. 11:21:56 Seattle, Washington Boeing B-17A taking off; aerial over mountains & past Mt. Rainier. MS & CUs.Eight B-l7A's in flight. 11:22:54 CU RV of pilot in cockpit of B-l7A; CU B-17A gunner at 50 caliber machine guns. 11:23:01 AV's of B-10s in formations over March Field, California, above clouds. 11:23:51 AV's of A-11s practicing gunnery target practice & in formation over Virginia Beach, Virginia.. MS of ground target for aerial gunnery. CU of machine guns on nose of A-11 firing at target. MS ground target bursting into flame. AV's of A-11's flying to right & left strafing target and the target bursting into flames. 11:24:46 Pilot training at AFB near Manila, Philippine Islands. Pilots lined up on airfield in front of Stearman PT-13 biplane trainers (Philippine Army), taking off, one doing loop. 11:25:33 AV's of US AAC B-10's in flight at Hamilton Field, California. 11:26:29 Bell XFM-1, Barracuda, w/ twin pusher propellers, Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio. CUs test pilots.Starting aircraft on ramp, taking off & in flight. 11:27:31 US Army dirigible on field; in hangar at Sunnyvale, California being dismantled & helium pumped into storage. 11:28:20 Wright Field & C-35 w/ superchargers; pilots & scientists pose before testing. Taxiing, taking off and in flight at Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio. Pre-WW2 Army Air Force Training; Aviation Design; Military Aircraft; 1930s; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: