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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1330-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1939
Country: Germany
TC Begins: 14:17:57
TC Ends: 14:26:06
Duration: 00:08:09
WWII - 1939, German Training Film: JU 88 D. Die Schusswaffe Der Ju88 - A1, Oct39 Titles 14:18:32 Air to air MS Twin-engine Junkers JU-88 in flight, D-ATYU on side w/ swastika on tail. From side moving to slightly lower. 14:18:41 CU pilot & rear gunner; diagrams from side showing seating positions of pilot & front gun, rear gunner, & gunner lying prone on floor of plane aiming down & rear. Animation showing range of the three guns, 14:19:43 Parked plane & ground crew w/ weapons to door beneath fuselage & loading weapons onto plane showing mounting of pilot’s gun. 14:21:07 Animation diagram of plane in flight firing gun straight ahead & 5 degrees down in low strafing run. 14:21:40 Mounting front support w/ barrel raised. 14:22:12 Men loading machine gun magazines into plane, installing. Loading barrel & fitting into swivel mount pointing to rear, adding site. More magazines loaded & stored, CUs strapping into place. 14:23:49 Machine gun for prone gunner assembled & fitted into bubble window before lifting & closing in place. Magazines stored & double-checked. 14:25:54 Chief of ground crew reports SOF to arriving pilot & gunners. The End. Pre-WWII; Germany Military Airplanes; Dive Bomber; Luftwaffe Training Films; Aviation; Aircraft; Oct39; 1939; WW2 Armament; NOTE: Extremely good quality. NOTE: In our experience German Nazi era material is considered in the public domain throughout the world. If users feel any further clearances are necessary they are to be their own responsibility.