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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250028-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1940
Country: Germany
Location: Peenemunde
TC Begins: 06:23:09
TC Ends: 06:44:42
Duration: 00:21:33
Titles. Development of the Rocket Research Center at Peenemunde, Germany, up to October 1940, showing the V-2 in flight. Captured German edited picture, with inter titles in German. 06:23:46 LS & CS of firing of German coastal guns from camouflaged positions. 06:24:06 Moving large cannon mounted on railroad car into firing position w/ German officers riding on board. 06:24:35 Soldiers & ?? shoveling sand. Large beam & hook moving steel from truck w/ soldiers & others hauling ammunition to the gun, loading it, showing the rapid fire of the gun. 06:26:00 Animation showing gun mounted on railcar & its shells firing. 06:26:29 Animation of fuel compartment for rocket assistance. 06:27:34 Rocket motor fired on test stand. 06:27:52 V2 in vertical firing position. Rocket launched w/ clock in lower right of frame. 06:28:28 Diagram of V2 showing labeled components. 06:29:11 Chart showing distance & elevation of V2 flight w/ animation of rocket 06:30:38 CU Exhaust section of V2 showing maneuverability of the controls. 06:31:04 ECU Exhaust section of V-2 showing the testing of controls. 06:31:30 Ext. of assembly hangar building at Peenemunde; other buildings. CS of liquid oxygen container & mounted on small railroad tracks. Other installations at Peenemunde. Various shots of the jet burners of V2. CU of unassembled controls. 06:33:26 CU Rocket engine being tested showing the exhaust section. 06:34:41 CS Sign, "Entrance to Peenemunde." Housing, beach area, forested dunes w/ men cutting trees, horses hauling timber & carts; clearing land; men erecting large wooden buildings. POV past supplies & buildings. 06:38:16 POV thru finished camp, cars, pedestrians. 06:38:32 CU sign: Kammer. Men issued blankets. Medical sign. Other signs. Men walking about. Construction & laying bricks, mixing concrete. Large factory hanger; dormitories or apartment houses. 06:40:27 Camp site aerials. 06:41:13 German electrical train pulling into Peenemunde station. Many civilian men & women get off train, walking into the camp site. 06:41:59 Pan of camp; POV past large warehouses. 06:43:14 Man working metal & fabricating parts for V2. Forming sheet metal. Military Technology; Manufacturing; Secret Town / Village; Scientists; German Technicians; Rockets; Sell any continuous 11 minutes at per reel rate. NOTE: In our experience German Nazi era material is considered in the public domain throughout the world. If users feel any further clearances are necessary they are to be their own responsibility.