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Go to HomepageReel Number: 300153
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1910s,1919,1920s
Country: France,Germany,Italy,Mexico,USA
Location: Berlin,Weimar
TC Begins: 01:00:07
TC Ends: 01:09:30
Duration: 00:09:23
1910s - Clemenceau; German Military; Italian Military; Monarchists; Weimar Nazis:Mexican Life Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau walking near house in flower garden; CU. Posing w/ dog in garden, MS. Coast beach close in background. Standing w/ two other men beside large sedan automobile. Slug. 01:01:31 Pan MLS German soldiers lying, eating on lawn outside large government buildings; one w/ German Imperial flag on staff. 01:01:49 Businessmen & two young women walk in street past light artillery & soldiers on sidewalk in center of city. 01:01:57 LS Large house / building w/ antenna on top, statue in front. MS Large building w/ heavy iron fence & barbed wire barricade across street w/ soldiers behind & police outside. Soldiers & wagons along front w/ German Imperial flag on staff; view of soldiers & civilians milling w/ house (01:01:57 ) behind. Large crowd; LS crowd filling street in central city. 01:02:58 German soldiers in ranks w/ flag under trees in plaza; some laying on ground in front of flag & officers & civilians & Kaiserhof above entrance. Soldier putting flag on lightpost. MS men & women passing. LS w/ civilians running to get leaflets from soldiers beside building. 01:03:53 MS soldiers peeling potatoes, soldier at field kitchen / cook wagon, others watch. Slug. 01:04:15 Italy . High Angle / HA pan Italian soldiers & civilians in street; street view of officers in soft caps reviewing soldiers as people watch from on top of ?? MS officer talking. HA crowd, mostly soldiers, carrying officers past on shoulders. 01:04:53 Large crowd civilians & soldiers, students w/ various flags including Italian. CU officer & troops. Slug. 01:05:11 Mexico. Pan street scene w/ pedestrians, man on bicycle, wagon. Men riding horseback out of entrance w/ sign above: Inspection De Policia. LS large civic building w/ jail, guard towers & library . Tilt down jail entrance. Street vendors. Slug. 01:05:54 Spectators line streets watching formal parade of cavalry officers in formal uniforms, flags, troops marching w/ rifles & field packs. CU President Carranza. Slug. 01:06:21 continuation from ca ?? of Italian officer talking. CU officer w/ troops. 01:06:32 Crowd of soldiers & civilians moving r. to l. in city street, large Italian flag carried, other flags. 01:06:52 Pan Italian ships anchored, from water, NL & A8. Shipboard w/ sailors marching, lined up, reviewed. Slug. 01:07:12 Germany. HA Monarchist parade & demonstration w/ German Imperial flag in rain move l. to r. Berlin street filled w/ civilians & flag. Civilian crowd watch soldiers parade w/ flag toward Brandenburg gate. 01:07:41 HA truck w/ soldiers thru large plaza throwing leaflets to people. MS some Freikorps soldiers w/ painted swastikas on helmets handing out leaflets 01:07:51 German troops around building, lying on ground, eating outside Kaiserhof entrance. 01:08:05 MS German officer walking past w/ government building behind, another officer w/ 3 civilians follows. Officer reviews troops. Civilians behind barbed wire barrier patrolled by soldiers; large artillery on sidewalk. 01:08:28 HA crowd moving l. to r. w/ ?? behind. Slug. 01:08:40 Mexico. Two US Army soldiers looking at burned remains of body (CU). 01:08:56 Two cowboys riding past dozen bloated dead cattle on desert. 01:09:26 MS body beside fence & dead cow . CU French Diplomats; WWI; WW1 Germany Daily Life; Military Daily Life; Mexican Daily Life; NOTE: If specific identifications are known we’d appreciate notification to: Please include time code and any further information. NOTE: Not speed corrected.