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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220658-09
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1910s,1920s
Country: USA
Location: Detroit, Michigan,Washington, DC
TC Begins: 02:46:01
TC Ends: 03:00:42
Duration: 00:14:41
1920 ca - USA Industrial Film Outtakes Ford Model T toward camera on muddy street w/ houses behind trees. Couple in winter coats out & look at sign on pole: Washington 2 miles. Man pats car fender. 02:46:30 LS Capitol building along gravel street in Winter; Model T / car passes in front. MS arrival, pedestrians. 02:47:15 View from road of slow stream & winter trees, buildings beyond. Pond overflowing low dam. 02:48:03 Pedestrians past houses (dark). Dray teams & wagons unloading & along cobblestone street; tilt up warehouse. Tilt up narrow church clock tower. 02:48:42 Detroit (?). Busy crowded sidewalk outside Kline’s entrance. Cars, trucks, trams, pedestrians in winter coats. 02:48:57 Sunny intersection w/ pedestrians jaywalking & a few cars criss-crossing. 02:49:08 Busy street w/ tall Dodge Bros. smokestack in background. City (NYC Riverside Drive ?) men walking holding hats in wind. Man w/ placard: Keep to the right; boys w/ arms locked hold back crowd as traffic past. Intersection w/ raised police booth. Residential w/ large ornate stone church & families slowly past. 02:50:28 Trucks & cars on wide street; trollies passing w/ Dodge Bros smokestack & factory buildings. General Motors building, automobiles past. men walking past factory. Factory w/ 5 tall stacks. 02:51:47 Carpenters building new housing; suburban street. 02:52:15 High Angle / HA Detroit office buildings; across residential area 02:52:46 Large ore carrier . ship past on lake. POV from water passing Detroit buildings & docked excursion boat 02:53:26 HA crowded pavements - crowd control by WW1 soldiers (?) as car & trolley passes. 02:53:57 Rural scenes, groups of people relaxing paddling canoes on scenic canal. 02:54:34 Men in line at counters buying tickets, Black African-American. Exterior bank building, crowds & traffic past. Street scenes. US Mail van pulls up to kerb. 02:55:33 Tanker / ore carrier. Men on golf course. HAs crowded streets. Large ornate buildings; roads; GM bldg; skyscraper construction; highway underpass & nearby roller coaster. Intersection Hancock Place (?). 03:00:16 People on excursion boat ‘Columbia’. 03:00:32 Workers in factory yard w/ overhead conveyors. 1910s; 1920s; Americana; City Street Scenes; Daily Life; Workers; Cityscape;