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1948 - Educational Films: Freedom Is Indivisible Pt. 1 of 2
Produced by March of Time
Rolling titles. Excerpts from two speeches made by Dwight D. Eisenhower during and shortly after his inauguration as President of Columbia University.
04:42:22 Opening shots of University campus & huge audience for ceremony - graduating (?) students / faculty - Ike thru audience in cap & gown, Admirals Leahy & Halsey watching; Mamie & John Eisenhower in front row. Ike on platform to applause - investiture begins sync. - Ike seated to applause.
04:43:52 Ike at podium makes inaugural speech in cap & gown. “Today’s challenge to freedom and to every free institution is such that none of us dare stand alone, for human freedom is today threatened by regimented stateists...democracy and the police state have no common purposes, methods or free institution can be neutral...All our cherished rights...are mutually dependent for their long as our schools devote themselves to a truly liberal education...The facts of Communism for example shall be taught here...” cutaways to audience inc. Gen. Omar Bradley. Standing ovation at end of speech.
Higher Education; Graduation (?); Anti-Communism; Post-WWII; Post-WW2; Heroes;
NOTE: One continuous minute sold at per reel rate.
NOTE: FOR ORDERING see: or contact us at:
NOTE: FOR ORDERING see: or contact us at: 1948 - Educational Films: Freedom Is Indivisible Pt. 1 of 2 Produced by March of Time Rolling titles. Excerpts from two speeches made by Dwight D. Eisenhower during and shortly after his inauguration as President of Columbia University. 04:42:22 Opening shots of University campus & huge audience for ceremony - graduating (?) students / faculty - Ike thru audience in cap & gown, Admirals Leahy & Halsey watching; Mamie & John Eisenhower in front row. Ike on platform to applause - investiture begins sync. - Ike seated to applause. 04:43:52 Ike at podium makes inaugural speech in cap & gown. “Today’s challenge to freedom and to every free institution is such that none of us dare stand alone, for human freedom is today threatened by regimented stateists...democracy and the police state have no common purposes, methods or free institution can be neutral...All our cherished rights...are mutually dependent for their long as our schools devote themselves to a truly liberal education...The facts of Communism for example shall be taught here...” cutaways to audience inc. Gen. Omar Bradley. Standing ovation at end of speech. Higher Education; Graduation (?); Anti-Communism; Post-WWII; Post-WW2; Heroes; NOTE: One continuous minute sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING see: or contact us at: