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1970s - Colour, Stock Footage: Los Angeles - Hollywood - California

Reel Number: 220666-02

Color: Colour

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1970s

Country: USA

Location: Los Angeles Hollywood California

TC Begins: 17:08:56

TC Ends: 17:19:40

Duration: 00:10:44

1970s - Colour, Stock Footage: Los Angeles - Hollywood - California AV from helicopter flying round skyscrapers. Bank of America building. AV highways - traffic - roads. 17:11:42 Pan up skyscrapers. Modern architecture. 17:12:34 Sunset over sea - waves lapping on sandy beach. (very red) 17:15:36 Mark Taper Forum at the Los Angeles Music Center - good architecture shots. Sign in marble on edge of pool re Music Center. 17:17:30 Hollywood Sign in hills - various shots - zooms. 17:18:37 POV traveling in car down palm tree lined drive. Wealthy houses - mansions. Colour; 1970s;