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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220647-06
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1927
Country: USAFrance Belgium
Location: New York Paris Brussels
TC Begins: 11:17:56
TC Ends: 11:22:59
Duration: 00:05:03
Lindbergh Flight & Celebration In car down street. Harbor shots on return to NYC with many tugboats. Ashore at Battery. Ticker-tape parade. Police fighting crowd. At City Hall with Mayor Walker. Speaking at mic. Police leading parade. CU in cockpit. By plane with mother. Getting into plane. Taxiing & taking off as cars follow. High angle of night crowd in Paris running onto field past lights & cameramen. 06.21.00 on balcony at night. Daytime looking down on people & up at Lindbergh stretching flag. American & French flags held. Waves to crowd. In Brussels. Various shots of planes. Pan Brussels crowd. Lindbergh waving. Down gangway of ship and off in car. Parade up Pennsylvania Ave in car. High angle of enormous crowd. Beginning of NYC parade. First solo transatlantic flight; 1927; Celebrations;