Reel Number: 250121-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1940
Country: France,Peru,USA
Location: Callao,Chester,DC,New York City,NYC,Paris,Pennsylvania,Philadelphia,Washington
TC Begins: 00:41:30
TC Ends: 00:45:55
Duration: 00:04:25
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Titles. 00:41:37 30May40 Veterans marching packed crowds packing sidewalk on Riverside Drive. Soldiers, sailors, Civil War veterans & others passed reviewing stand. Flags. 00:42:16 Title: Washington, DC. 00:42:19 President Roosevelt sitting at desk in office looking at camera; MLS w/ six men & woman of Civilian Defense Council behind FDR. Dozen or so seated in front of FDR’s desk. 00:42:37 Title: Philadelphia, PA. 00:42:40 Bunting on bow of ship to be launched, crowd watching, men remove cribbing. 00:33:52 CU Woman w/ bottle, LS breaking on ship & ship down ways into water. 00:43:30 Title: New York, N.Y. 00:43:33 Very large barrel of coastal defense gun raised, fired five times. 00:43:56 Title: Callao, Peru. 00:43:59 Collapsed front of large building & street of other damaged buildings. Tents among damaged buildings after earthquake. Men inspecting wreckage & digging for survivors & clean-up. 00:44:34 Title: On The War Front - France. 00:44:42 Military ambulance w/ men & soldiers around. CU of USA flag on it w/ bullet holes & smashed windshield. Planes overhead. Rooftops, tilt down to speeding bicyclist / soldier, empty street & smoke. Smoking fires in distance across rooftops, smoking German plane diving. CU flames burning ??? 00:45:23 Marshal Petain in uniform, a civilian & a military at attention. CU possible Ambassador Bullet . 00:45:27 Civilians crowd in dock or railroad station, Paris, France; kids & women unloaded from truck. Old people fed; injured on stretcher. WWII; WW2; USA Homefront; France; 1940; Newsreel; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: