Post-WWI, 1919, Conferences: Paris Peace Conference
18Jan19 Arrival of delegates at Quai d’Orsay for formal opening: Japanese Ambassador Matsui; Henry White, Foch, Senator Lansing, Arthur Balfour, Baron Chindate , Adm. Benson, General T.H. Bliss, Lord Harding, Charles Kranravez , Mr. Edvard Benes & Bonnar Law of England and others .
01:01:43 President Poincaré departs. Pres. and Mrs. Wilson arrive. Clemenceau leaves. Sec. of the Navy Daniels and Adm. Benson arrive at the Ritz.
01:02:05 Arab delegates & T.E. Lawrence leave Hotel ; CU Faisal.
01:02:15 Arrivals: Pres. Wilson. 1st Lts Colwell & Mayer of Wilson bodyguard staff leave.
01:02:26 Crowd waiting & watching VIPs. Pres & Mrs Wilson arrive on foot, into car to afternoon session.
01:02:50 26Jan19 Delegates leaving: President Clemenceau leaving, into car. Adm Benson & Pres. Wilson leaving Hotel Crillon to attend afternoon session.
01:03:03 17Mar19 Delegates arriving & leaving.
01:03:27 25Mar19 Sec. of Navy Josephus Daniel & Admiral William Benson outside Hotel Ritz posing MCU.
01:03:40 Clemenceau arriving.
01:03:50 10Feb19 Wilson leaving Hotel Crillon.after first committee meeting for form League of Nation. Constientinides Demitros, Greek guard. Greek delegate Venizelos leaving, Lord Cecil bpth of League of Nations Committee leaving Hotel Crillon.
01:04:06 MCU Dr. Wellington Koo ; Ignace Paderewski; Paderewski from Hote Wagram. MCU.
01:04:25 28Nov18 King George V is greeted at Paris station Blois de Boulogne by President Poincaré; rides thru streets. Motorcade along route lined w/ soldiers at attention.
01:05:38 05Dec18 Poincaré & wife on way to station; greet King Albert & Queen Elizabeth of Belgium at the station. The royalty ride in two carriages in a procession along Champs Elysees.
01:06:49 19Dec18 King Victor Emmanuel III & son arrives by train. King & party leaving train. Boarding carriage w/ Poincare.
01:07:45 Spectators awaiting Victor Emmanuel of Italy arriving at Hotel Crillon; many national banners including Canada visible.
01:08:00 Parade w/ marchers w/ flags & banners & Victor Emmanuel in carriage w/ Poincare.
01:08:12 Another shot of Victor Emmanuel waving from carriage to onlookers.
01:08:18 03Apr19 King Albert of Belgium arriving at Hotel Crillon; escorted in for meeting w/ Col. W.M. House by Lt. Co.. Moore & Major N.C.Patterson, Jr. .
01:08:28 MLS King Albert across field to airplane for return to Brussels; talking w/ Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Numens & Belgium Envoy & Minister Mr. Van de Neuval before boarding plane. LS
01:09:08 Pilot M. Cromboy waiting beside aircraft; MLS King boards aircraft & pilot talks with him & boards. Photographers seen.
01:09:50 Large Biplane begins takeoff.
Post-WW1 Peace Conference; Press Photographers; Military Cameramen; Newsreel Cameramen; Diplomats; Diplomacy; Royalty;
NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. Excellent quality BUT NOT SPEED CORRECTED. 220518-10 IS speed corrected but different time codes.
NOTE: Conference opened 18Jan19.
Post-WWI, 1919, Conferences: Paris Peace Conference 18Jan19 Arrival of delegates at Quai d’Orsay for formal opening: Japanese Ambassador Matsui; Henry White, Foch, Senator Lansing, Arthur Balfour, Baron Chindate , Adm. Benson, General T.H. Bliss, Lord Harding, Charles Kranravez , Mr. Edvard Benes & Bonnar Law of England and others . 01:01:43 President Poincaré departs. Pres. and Mrs. Wilson arrive. Clemenceau leaves. Sec. of the Navy Daniels and Adm. Benson arrive at the Ritz. 01:02:05 Arab delegates & T.E. Lawrence leave Hotel ; CU Faisal. 01:02:15 Arrivals: Pres. Wilson. 1st Lts Colwell & Mayer of Wilson bodyguard staff leave. 01:02:26 Crowd waiting & watching VIPs. Pres & Mrs Wilson arrive on foot, into car to afternoon session. 01:02:50 26Jan19 Delegates leaving: President Clemenceau leaving, into car. Adm Benson & Pres. Wilson leaving Hotel Crillon to attend afternoon session. 01:03:03 17Mar19 Delegates arriving & leaving. 01:03:27 25Mar19 Sec. of Navy Josephus Daniel & Admiral William Benson outside Hotel Ritz posing MCU. 01:03:40 Clemenceau arriving. 01:03:50 10Feb19 Wilson leaving Hotel Crillon.after first committee meeting for form League of Nation. Constientinides Demitros, Greek guard. Greek delegate Venizelos leaving, Lord Cecil bpth of League of Nations Committee leaving Hotel Crillon. 01:04:06 MCU Dr. Wellington Koo ; Ignace Paderewski; Paderewski from Hote Wagram. MCU. 01:04:25 28Nov18 King George V is greeted at Paris station Blois de Boulogne by President Poincaré; rides thru streets. Motorcade along route lined w/ soldiers at attention. 01:05:38 05Dec18 Poincaré & wife on way to station; greet King Albert & Queen Elizabeth of Belgium at the station. The royalty ride in two carriages in a procession along Champs Elysees. 01:06:49 19Dec18 King Victor Emmanuel III & son arrives by train. King & party leaving train. Boarding carriage w/ Poincare. 01:07:45 Spectators awaiting Victor Emmanuel of Italy arriving at Hotel Crillon; many national banners including Canada visible. 01:08:00 Parade w/ marchers w/ flags & banners & Victor Emmanuel in carriage w/ Poincare. 01:08:12 Another shot of Victor Emmanuel waving from carriage to onlookers. 01:08:18 03Apr19 King Albert of Belgium arriving at Hotel Crillon; escorted in for meeting w/ Col. W.M. House by Lt. Co.. Moore & Major N.C.Patterson, Jr. . 01:08:28 MLS King Albert across field to airplane for return to Brussels; talking w/ Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Numens & Belgium Envoy & Minister Mr. Van de Neuval before boarding plane. LS 01:09:08 Pilot M. Cromboy waiting beside aircraft; MLS King boards aircraft & pilot talks with him & boards. Photographers seen. 01:09:50 Large Biplane begins takeoff. Post-WW1 Peace Conference; Press Photographers; Military Cameramen; Newsreel Cameramen; Diplomats; Diplomacy; Royalty; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. Excellent quality BUT NOT SPEED CORRECTED. 220518-10 IS speed corrected but different time codes. NOTE: Conference opened 18Jan19.