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Go to HomepageReel Number: 300151
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1910s,1919
Country: Czechia,Czechoslovakia,England,French,Germany,United Kingdom,USA
Location: Berlin,Prague
TC Begins: 01:00:02
TC Ends: 01:05:45
Duration: 00:05:43
Post-WWI - 1919 ca, Germany: Berlin Demonstration / Marches; Street Scenes; USA VIPs; Soup Kitchen Soldiers (brief). Pan soldiers inspecting crashed German biplane; CU damage. Removing parts & fabric. Slug. 01:00:54 High Angle / HA Well dressed civilians nearly all walking towards / thru Brandenburg Gate; little vehicle traffic, some horse drawn wagons. Civilians on far side of street carry flags. POV from rear of car moving away from Gate. Dusk w/ silhouetted statue above Gate. 01:01:28 Monument in street of VIP on horseback. US troops standing below and walking past German VIP wearing Pickelhaube helmet; getting directions from German officer. 01:01:41 Elaborate statues, monuments w/ pedestrians past. POV from car away from column w/ winged statue. Large statue of Hindenburg w/ rifle and holding helmet / hat w/ platform at base. School boys & girls in uniform walking w/ teachers on sidewalk alongside park. 01:02:13 Demonstration march leaving Brandenburg Gate, some street traffic. Large crowd out of Brandenburg Gate, walking on either side of group of soldiers. HA of crowd of civilians, some soldiers moving thru. MS from above. Crowd continuing thru street. Multiple shots, may be different times of year. 01:04:13 Prague, Czechoslovakia . Tilt down from American flag on staff on building exterior to group of US officers & wives w/ French officer & ?? looking up and pointing, MS posing (snow on street). Tilt up to flag. 01:04:18 Group of older women in scarves & men in heavy coats waiting in cold w/ large cups, policeman nearby keeping them grouped. 01:04:46 Young children walkout of building, US troops watching; pose w/ women & babies. MS getting soup, coffee, milk or ??. Group of children pose, several holding jugs; pan group, some w/ buckets waiting in front of adults. 01:05:33 MCU old woman eating / spooning hot soup. Post-WW1; Germany; Poverty; Refugees; Displacement; NOTE: Supposed to be shot 14May19 of Berlin crowd in front of Hotel Aldon; Prague 30Jan19 breadlines. (Need verification).