Reel Number: 300195
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940s,1945
Country: France,Germany,Japan,USA
Location: Berlin,Cape May,IWO JIMA,Magdeburg,Nagasaki,New Hampshire,New Jersey,Pacific,Tokyo
TC Begins: 01:00:01
TC Ends: 01:07:07
Duration: 00:07:06
Post-WWII - 1945, End of German War: U-Boat Menace Ended; German Surrender; Liberated Art; Air War On Japan Intertitle: U-Boat Menace Ended. POV from plane past remaining debris of submarine pens. British soldiers viewing sections of prefabricated subs from Bremen shipyard dock. 01:00:28 From behind soldier looking at submarine underway U-858 on water approaching Cape May, New Jersey. Men on deck; German POWs / crew off onto dock & pose. Another submarine arriving in Portsmouth, New Hampshire after surrendering, officers in conning tower. Prisoners marching past guards; CU Captain w/ crew posing. 01:01:24 Intertitle: Germans Surrender Amid Ruins. 08May45 Allied soldiers enter Berlin’s Army School for surrender; interior w/ MCU Royal Air Force Marshal Tedder & USSR Marshal Zhukov; Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel enters w/ other officers. MCU seated, all signing, handshaking. 01:02:11 Officers touring Berlin & ruins; heavy destruction. Brandenburg Gate. Destroyed hotels, etc. 01:02:50 Aerial over industrial city, Hamburg; shells of buildings. Destroyed shipyard & docks. 01:03:33 Intertitle: German Loot Discovered. LS of Merkers, Germany. Entrance sign over gate. Mine head w/ cable & wheels turning. GI thru hole in brick wall; officer opening suitcase filled w/ silverware, gold jewelry. Men show large oil portrait paintings in ornate frames. 01:04:15 Two officers holding gold bullion bricks, CUs. Large Reichsbank bags stacked. Bundled American money. 01:04:42 Intertitle: In The Wake Of Victory. Alps & lake. Large resort villa w/ meeting of many Allied authorities & German political & war prisoners. CU wife & daughter of Chancellor Schuschnigg. CU Fritz Thyisen & wife. Royalty wearing triangle from Dachau; General Frantz Halder & wife; Pastor Martin Niemoller / Niemoller. 01:05:15 Five Allied fliers, MS; CU Lord Lascelles, nephew of King George VI. 01:05:23 Lt. John Winant son of Ambassador. 01:05:27 Magdeburg & two US soldiers walk w/ German radio broadcaster / commentator General Kurt Dittmar talking w/ officers. 01:05:45 Intertitle: All Out Air War On Japan. Air to air of B-29 bomber, bombs dropping & explosions at Nagasaki. Map of Saipan to Tokyo. Other bomb explosions. Heavy flak; fighter planes past bomber. B-29 landing on Iwo Jima. Inspecting shrapnel holes in fuselage. CUs of damage. Planes on field. WW2 European Aftermath; Horrors of War; Prisoners of War; POWs; Anti-Nazi; Looted Art Treasures; 1945; May45; Pacific War; 1940s;